Don't get caught without one.

The Original Fire Towel

If you have a cell phone, laptop, or any other device that contains lithium ion batteries, you need to make sure you have protection, in case there's a fire.

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Have a plan for when your electronics catch fire.

Designed For Electronic Fires

Lithium Ion Battery Fires and Burning Plastic/Metal Can't Be Easily Put Out

Lithium Ion Batteries can potentially light on fire, just by being punctured or overcharged!

These are virtually in EVERY laptop, phone and electronic you own...

A necessary product to help you put out fires your electronics may cause.

Seamlessly fits in any bag or office

Fire protection is only valuable if it's available. We've made the FireTowel small enough to fit in any pack pack or small home office. We recommend tacking to a wall.

Will last forever until it's used.

Don't worry about an expiration date like extinguishers or batteries dying. This Towel will last & be around long after you're gone. Enjoy a Lifetime Guarantee

Will last forever until it's used.

Don't worry about an expiration date like extinguishers or batteries dying.

This Towel will last & be around long after you're gone. Enjoy a Lifetime Guarantee

Built with military-grade materials

Do NOT attempt to use regular towels or blankets to put out extremely hot electronic fires, because the blanket could burn too and you risk having molten plastic stick to your hands.

Built with military-grade materials

Do NOT attempt to use regular towels or blankets to put out extremely hot electronic fires, because the blanket could burn too and you risk having molten plastic stick to your hands.

Purchase a Fire Towel Below

Only $49

Get the first portable Fire Towel designed specifically for home office electronics and devices!

The Fire Towel was designed for Lithium Ion battery and electronic fires.

Can fit in any bag or home office.

Easily deploy and pull with our advanced pull straps.

Can be easily hung on any wall.

Looks cool and easy on the eyes!


Companies That Trust Us

Have a plan for putting out device fires.

When it comes to fire safety, it's ALWAYS better to have and not need vs. need and not have.

The last thing you want to have to deal with is figuring out how to contain an electrical fire, when it's happening.

Have a plan ready by purchasing a Fire Towel below.

I learned the hard way by not having a plan for a lithium battery exploding in a wireless keyboard I had.

If I had something like a Fire Towel I wouldn't have spent my 40th birthday with my hands wrapped up and bandaged.

On one Sunday evening, while I was making dinner, I smelled a terrible smell that didn't go with what I was cooking! As I searched for the scent I could see black smoke starting to billow out of my office.

When I opened that door my nightmare became reality when I saw a burning keyboard completely in flames.

The room was COMPLETELY filled with the thickest black smoke you could have ever seen.

In an attempt to save my entire office and building from burning, I took all I had which was my dog's blanket to put out the flames.

But since the blanket wasn't meant for fires, it wound up spreading the molten plastic and I wound up getting it all over my hands, which left me with 2nd degree burns over both hands.

I spent the next month, requiring help for every single thing I did! Humiliating and painful.

Don't let this happen to you or a loved one!

I invented the FireTowel to a portable or stationary product to have in every room you keep electronics. Just in case.

Have a plan WHEN one of your electronics catches fire.

Adam Palmer

Co-Owner Fire Towel


If you have ever received a package like this, you should protect yourself.

On every package with a Lithium Battery, you'll find something like this warning label. This is because these batteries can light on fire very easily. If you have ever ordered a product with this on the package, then you need to start thinking about fire protection.

Our Happy Customers

Brett Graham

“This is a great idea. I keep one in the office and one in my back pack, just in case I need it. I hope I never do!”

Rosie Hanson

“As a family with a young child, this was definitely something I wanted nearby in case something happens. ”

Shawn Mattews

“Glad I went with this version. I didn't really think about needing one of these, but then I realized the amount of electronics I have around me most of the time.”

Works for any of these types of electronics.

  • External Batteries

  • Tablets

  • Picture Frames

  • Cell Phones

  • Keyboards

  • Laptops

  • Smart Watches

  • Mice

  • Powered Adapters

  • Cameras

  • Lighting Equipment

  • Power Inverters


overcharging your devices!

Most people think that batteries exploding are rare, and that there's no way this can happen.

But the fact is, faulty units can lead to overcharging, which could wind up with the battery exploding and lighting on fire. These situations are almost impossible to replicate, which is disconcerting.

And with the shear amount of devices with batteries in your home or office is crazy.

If you aren't using a device, make sure you unplug it.

Never leave a device with a battery plugged in, if you are not in the house!

When it came down to to figuring out what happened with the keyboard, I just had the USB plugged into a laptop that was plugged in.

Be Vigilant. And please prepare for worst cases.

Simple Instructions To Help You Put Out a Fire.

By isolating your fire early, you can help save other areas from burning.

We've made the instructions visible and easy for anyone who sees a Fire Towel in the room.

Give yourself or someone in your family the gift of safety.

Only $49 while supplies last.

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